Marquette University, Rhetoric and Remix Project Feedback Template, English 1002


Marquette University, Rhetoric and Remix Project Feedback Template, English 1002


Jenn Fishman


Marquette University, Department of English



Course Name and Number

English 1002: Rhetoric and Composition, Public Literacies

Rubric Description

This sheet is not a math equation. It provides a heuristic that will show the relative strengths and weaknesses of students' project. Students are welcome, always, to ask for additional feedback, but are asked to observe a 24-hour reflection period between when projects are returned and discussing their work and grade with their instructors.

Corresponding Assignment Name

Rhetoric & Remix

Corresponding Assignment Description

The Rhetoric & Remix assignment includes both a physical or digital artifact (e.g., a video, a board game, a poster) and a set of 3-5 talking points. Students present both during the final week of the semester at the FYE Undergraduate Research Display. This event is a cross between a science fair and an art gallery opening.