UNCC, Syllabus Template, UWRT 1104


UNCC, Syllabus Template, UWRT 1104


UNCC University Writing Program



Course Number and Name

UWRT 1104: Writing and Inquiry in Academic Contexts with Studio Time

Course Description

In this hybrid course, you will learn to analyze and compose a variety of texts and use a range of technologies, adapting language and style for particular audiences, contexts, and purposes. You will develop flexible composing strategies; locate and evaluate primary and secondary research; and deepen engagement with source material, your own ideas, and the ideas of others in order to strengthen claims and solidify logical arguments.

Please note: This four-credit course requires three hours of face-to-face classroom instruction and one hour of online studio work plus six-eight hours of out-of-class student work each week for approximately 15 weeks. Out-of-class work may include but is not limited to: required reading, written assignments, and library research.


Single course in composition sequence

Course Location

University Writing Program

Digital Writing Assignment

Wesbsite-based Portfolio; Extended Inquiry Project; Studio Assignments