SLCC, Syllabus, English 1010


SLCC, Syllabus, English 1010


SLCC Department of English, Linguistics, and Writing Studies


SLCC Department of English, Linguistics, and Writing Studies



Course Number and Name

ENG 1010: Intro to Writing

Course Description

Overview for Instructors: This course provides extended engagement with rhetorical concepts and extended practice with close and critical reading and writing. A main aim in 1010 is to develop in students the analytical and rhetorical habits of mind that are necessary for successful reading and writing in academic, civic, and personal contexts they encounter in and beyond college. These include ways of thinking about texts as purpose-driven, audience-centered, and socially, culturally, and historically situated. It begins building and/or begins to solidify students’ confidence and capability as readers and writers in academic contexts, and through careful assignment design and sequencing, considers writing in civic and personal contexts as well. 1010 emphasizes the importance of finding writing and revision processes that work for students. The end of the course should focus on rhetorically-informed textual production as a bridge to 2010.


First course in 2 course sequence

Course Location

Department of English, Linguistics, and Writing Studies

Digital Writing Assignment

Varies because educators have flexibility to reimagine any assignment, but the project for "Unit 3: Rhetorically Informed Action/Response" is the "Civically-Engaged Text," which the shared program materials explicitly identify as a digital project.