SLCC, Unit 4 Project Description, English 2010


SLCC, Unit 4 Project Description, English 2010


SLCC Department of English, Linguistics, and Writing Studies


SLCC Department of English, Linguistics, and Writing Studies



Course Number and Name

English 2010: Intermediate Writing

Assignment Name

The Look-Back Effect: A Revision ePortfolio

Assignment Description

The Look Back Effect assignment asks you to choose two of your writing projects for revision. In this context, you might choose to revise with an eye toward taking the thing you’ve already made, and revise to make it better as it is—that is, choose to polish, refine, and improve your report as a report, or your video as a video, etc. You might also choose to revise with an eye toward transformation: taking the thing you’ve already made and making it better by making it, in whole or in part, into something else.