Purdue, Syllabus-Academic Rhetorics Theme, ENGL 10600


Purdue, Syllabus-Academic Rhetorics Theme, ENGL 10600


Derek Sherman


Introductory Composition at Purdue (ICaP)



Course Number and Name

ENGL 10600: First Year Composition

Course Description

English 10600 is the standard 4-credit hour composition course for students at Purdue. The course provides students with the opportunity to interpret and compose in both digital and print media across a variety of forms. Students engage in active learning, which includes class discussion, learning in small groups, problem solving, peer review, and digital interaction. English 10600 is grounded in the idea thatwriting provides an outlet for sharing and developing ideas; facilitates understanding across different conventions, genres, groups, societies, and cultures; and allows for expression in multiple academic, civic, and non-academic situations. In short, writing is a way of learning that spans all fields anddisciplines.

By the end of the course, students will:
  • Demonstrate rhetorical awareness of diverse audiences, situations, and contexts
  • Compose a variety of texts in a range of forms, equaling at least 7,500-11,500 words of polished writing (or 15,000-22,000 words, including drafts)
  • Critically think about writing and rhetoric through reading, analysis, and reflection
  • Provide constructive feedback to others and incorporate feedback into their writing
  • Perform research and evaluate sources to support claims
  • Engage multiple digital technologies to compose for different purposes


Only course in composition sequence

Course Location

Department of English

Digital Writing Assignment

Remediation Project